em 12x

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Características principais

Fantasy Flight Games
Nome do jogo de tabuleiro
Station One Data Pack


  • Tipo de jogo: Estratégia

  • Idade mínima recomendada: 14 anos

  • Quantidade máxima de jogadores: 2



"I've always wanted to pull a mag-lev heist."
- Los

Station One is the second Data Pack in the Red Sand Cycle.

With its sixty cards (three copies each of twenty different cards), Station One carries us to the primary hub for Bradbury Railway Co.'s mag-lev inductracks, a site that's crucial to the distribution of food, fuel, and raw materials across the resource-starved cities and nodes of Mars. The Martian colonists scattered across the planet's surface rely upon its supplies for their survival. The megacorps terraforming the planet- and increasing their control over it - view the station as a vital hub for their financial investments. And the opportunistic runners of Android: Netrunner? They see Station One as a tempting target through which all the secrets of Mars must pass.

You'll find new assets, resources, programs, and barriers. You'll find Clan Aeneas exerting its influence. And you'll find a daring new Criminal runner identity - one willing to "face check" ice if it will help him turn a profit.

Contains cards 21-40 of the Red Sand Cycle.

Ages: 14+
Players: 2
Game Length: 45 minutes

This is not a stand-alone game. A copy of Android: Netrunner LCG - Core Set is required to play.

Produto Disponível para pronta entrega.

Envio no mesmo dia útil para pagamentos confirmados até às 12h.

Pode retirar pessoalmente de segunda a sexta feira das 10h às 18h em nossa loja no bairro do Ipiranga.

Fora desse horário também é possível agendando após a compra.